Hi, I'm Lexie

If you don't know me, welcome! I am an Australian qualified Naturopath with a BhSc (Naturopathy) and I graduated from the Endeavour College of Natural Health (Melbourne) in 2018.

I am currently based in Lisbon, Portugal.

Since starting my clinical practice in 2019, I have focused almost exclusively on the holistic treatment of acne in women. I received a crash course in the use of natural medicine for managing adult acne after a brutal dose of post-pill acne, followed by a systemic Candida infection, PMS breakouts and finally; stress induced cystic acne. Not to mention the garden variety, teenage acne that started it all.

The upside of this almost 15 year journey with acne? I've personally experienced, researched & treated myself (as well as hundreds of others) using the tools that nature has provided. I use a combination of nutritional therapy, herbal medicine and lifestyle practices to support the human body's innate ability to heal.

Education is one of my biggest passions and so I am delighted to invite you into my online school! Whether you are a member of the public dedicated to self-treatment or a fellow practitioner in pursuit of further learning, I hope you will find value in what I have created here. Whilst I still focus on the holistic treatment of acne, I look forward to adding courses in other areas of health. Watch this space!

Lexie xx