You'll have a step-by-step guide to starting your clinical practice so that you can feel excited and inspired instead of overwhelmed and anxious about business.

A little bit of context

In 2019 I started my business with just $1500 and by my third year in practice I brought in six figures of revenue

I am living proof that you don't need a ton of capital or a business degree to create a successful online clinic. 

Now before you decide that I'm a unicorn and that this isn't possible for you...

I started where you are now:

+ A fledgling naturopath 

+ With zero business experience

+ Illiterate in tax & accounting

+ Full of fears & limiting beliefs

+ Excited to treat clients

+ Full of ideas & potential 


Trust me, if you had told me five years ago that I'd be living in Portugal and running an online business, I would have laughed you out the door!

That's the beauty of working online, for yourself. The opportunities are limitless!

I truly believe that running an online practice is the best way for fresh Naturopaths to start helping clients (and making good money while you're at it)

The world needs as many successful natural health practitioners as we can muster up so let's learn how to do smart, healthy business!

See you in there, 

Lexie xx